The Holy Spirit, poured out on the church, opens pathways of communication, breaking down barriers to enable us to communicate with one another and with God.
The Holy Spirit, poured out on the church, opens pathways of communication, breaking down barriers to enable us to communicate with one another and with God.
When God closes one chapter before opening another, the time in between is a time for prayer and entering into the life of God.
The Lord’s Prayer is a manifesto for a whole new way of relating to God and the world.
An attitude of respectful silence is an essential part of a deep, intimate relationship with God.
When our world and our hearts feel dry, cut off, and despondent, there is hope and life to be found in God’s promises.
Jesus calls us to prayerfully persevere for what is right and what is good, to never give up on our quest for the promise of life, and to always hold on to hope for the fulfilment of God’s will and purpose for our lives.
In the midst of our world, with its trials, sins, hunger, and longing for the rule of love, the prayer of Jesus leads us back to our loving God and Father.
The COVID-19 scare can reinforce our Lenten call to prepare our hearts by facing up to our mortality and the real limits of our control over the world.
The gift of tongues can be a valuable part of our private spirituality, but the needs of public worship require something more than the private intimacies of our spirituality.
God may not always give us what we want in answer to our prayers, but will always be with us through the Spirit to help us face whatever it is that life puts before us.
Every coin you are holding already belongs to God: every bitterness, every hurt, every disappointment. Do not hold a single one back.
We are to witness to this incredible, unbelievable, but very real truth: that in God’s reality, love crosses every divide, even the chasm of death.
The Bible can be used to justify anything, but when it is approached humbly as a place of prayerful encounter with the risen Christ, it is alive with the breath of God and leads us to life.
We can take our salvation and just return to normal life, but God calls us beyond normal into a wholeness that grows from praise, prayer and service.
Answers to prayer are not a controllable formula, but we are called to pray as part of our participation in God’s quest to bring healing, wholeness and life to a world of chaos.
Faithful witness to the Coming Christ is not expressed by trying to force the world into our concepts of righteousness, but by joyously, prayerfully, and thankfully cooperating with the liberating work of the Spirit, even in the face of violent opposition.
The Lord’s Prayer is given to us, the Church, as a model to shape all our praying.
Pray for all people and let God do the judging. The world may be an evil place but you are God’s children and evil has been overcome.
In Christ, God acts for the salvation of all, and in Christ, we are called to pray for all (even politicians!).
Christ calls us to continue to grow in the measure of our love, prayer and good works.