All-in commitment is unfashionable, but it is often what God needs from us to allow the richest blessings to flow.
All-in commitment is unfashionable, but it is often what God needs from us to allow the richest blessings to flow.
Jesus calls us to embrace God, life, and one another with joy, delight, hope, and grace, not with heartlessness cloaked in legalities.
God is passionately in love with us and longing to give us every good thing if we will respond to his love.
Jesus’s perplexing teaching on marriage and singleness calls us into a new network of relationships in which all are fully valued.
Jesus preached a vision of the Kingdom of God that re-orders our lives and communities, and finds an honoured place for those often excluded for not conforming to the pervasive norms of marriage and family.
The biblical pictures of marriage reflect our struggle to live our way into the vulnerable intimacy and relational fruitfulness that God wants for us and with us.
Jesus is uncompromising in his teaching about what we do with our bodies and the significance of our relationships, but also in promising a new beginning when we find ourselves lost in this way.