Continue in Sin? 21 June 2008 Nathan Nettleton Baptism, Death, Resurrection, Sin Matthew, Romans 0 Comments In Baptism, Christ has united us with himself in his death to sin and his resurrection to radically new life.
God’s Hospitality 15 June 2008 Nathan Nettleton Communion, Grace, Hospitality, Love Genesis, Matthew, Romans 0 Comments Christ’s desire to extend hospitality to us, to welcome us at his table, is so great that he will give even his own life to bring us into the experience of his love. This is the pattern for our call to hospitality too.
You’re Not That Dead! 8 June 2008 Nathan Nettleton Conversion, Discipleship, Resurrection, Vocation Genesis, Matthew, Romans 0 Comments You might have been written off as a dead loss (even by yourself), but only respond to the call of Christ, and you will live!