Gifts for the Common Good 17 January 2016 Alison Sampson Abundance, Church, Gifts, Service 1 Corinthians 0 Comments It is as members of the body that you are given the gifts that are needed for this body to serve in this time and this place.
The Feast of Epiphany 6 January 2016 Marilyn Hope Christmas, Gifts, Jesus Isaiah, Matthew 0 Comments In Christ, God is made manifest to the world as King, Light and Lover.
God Gives Us a Future 3 January 2016 Alison Sampson Doubt, Grief, Hope Jeremiah, John 0 Comments Jesus came into the world to fill us with new life, and encourage us, and show us how to grow, so if we remain focussed on the light, letting it shine into our areas of darkness, then darkness will never have the last word.