We are not alone or orphaned. The one who creates, loves, reconciles, shows us the way to truth, shows us the way into the future is an abiding presence with us.
We are not alone or orphaned. The one who creates, loves, reconciles, shows us the way to truth, shows us the way into the future is an abiding presence with us.
The stairway to heaven is revealed in the darkest places and situations of our lives, in the difficult and dangerous places, in the situations where we least expected it.
A sermon on Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 by Dr John Sampson As you heard the text for today is from Matthew’s account of the parable of the sower. Our Bibles contain three versions of this story, in Mark 4, Luke 8, and Matt 13. It is also found in the gospel of Thomas, but this was…
A sermon on Matthew 11:16-19,25-30 & Romans 7:15-25a by the Revd Dr Curtis W. FreemanResearch Professor of Theology & Director of the Baptist House of Studiesat Duke Divinity School, Durham, NC, USA Brothers and Sisters: Good evening to you in Melbourne or wherever you are, as you approach the ending of the day, and good…
The usual interpretation of the binding of Isaac is that God requires us to sacrifice everything, even, if asked, our own children. But could a contextual awareness reveal a more life-giving reading?