Worshipful singing together helps shape our communal identity as a people who can live for love, joy and reconciliation in a world of hostility and oppression.
Worshipful singing together helps shape our communal identity as a people who can live for love, joy and reconciliation in a world of hostility and oppression.
The measure of the value of our worship is the measure of the transformation of our lives into imitations of the love and kindness of Jesus.
We can only keep the UNITY OF THE SPIRIT by experiencing the Oneness of Christ in all the parts of ourselves and each other.
Healing the world’s tribalism and uniting us as one human family is the central goal of the gospel, the mission of salvation, the realisation of the kingdom of God.
Repetition of everything God-like is an important pathway to Christian maturity.
In Jesus, the truth about God’s ways and means is brought to light and we are called to so reflect that light that all might be drawn to it.
The faithful who have gone before us are held securely in the powerful gracious memory of God, where their love and prayers for us live on until we are united with them in resurrection.
Paul’s word play on drunkenness is both a useful contrast and a useful comparison for Christian living.
We live in amidst a culture of highly toxic, self-righteous, finger-pointing. Jesus calls us to a radical love which will stop the blame game but still speak transforming truth to those who oppress.
There will always be people in the church you find difficult to get on with, and it is their presence that will really enable you to grow in your ability to love.
An attitude of respectful silence is an essential part of a deep, intimate relationship with God.
What is God challenging you to return to? Will you be a witness to the joy and love, and the possibilities of the alternative world heralded by Jesus?
Jesus calls us to choose between the old bread of hostility and death and the new bread of compassion and life.
Our common access to God through Christ breaks down walls of hostility, but we need to resist the universal impulse to build new ones.
Glimpses of the transformed world that God makes possible transfix us and leave us hungering for more.
The light of Christ reaches the world through those who will bear the wounds of love.
God’s self-giving is to all of humanity, all of the time, and we are called to lift our eyes beyond our immediate concerns and stand in solidarity with the faithful who have gone before us.
En Cristo somos uno con toda la carne y la sangre, y por lo tanto nuestra lucha no es contra ningunas personas, sino contra los espíritus y los principados y los potestades que dividirían a la gente y les harían enemigos.
We only reliably recognise and combat evil by listening to Jesus and taking his wisdom into our hearts.
Building impressive buildings can be about a desire to monopolise and contain God, whereas God wants us to break down any walls that divide and exclude anyone.