The only measure of our progress in Christian faith is our love for others, including those we are least inclined to love.
The only measure of our progress in Christian faith is our love for others, including those we are least inclined to love.
In God’s vision for humanity, every person and the role they play is valued and cared for. When society fails to live up to this, the Church is called to go against the flow and courageously champion and model it.
God’s love is passionate, attentive, tender and ardent. Jesus the bridegroom comes and woos God’s people in every generation.
The promise of baptism with fire may surprisingly lead us to a loving suffering messiah.
The journey of a faithful life is about risk, about uncertainty, about careful, solitary reflection, and about community and conversation.
A sermon on John 1: 1-18 by Audrey Kateena A video recording of the whole liturgy, including this sermon, is available here A transcript of the sermon will be available here soon