Jesus calls us to courageously follow him through a world of apparently apocalyptic violence towards the advent of hope and peace.
Jesus calls us to courageously follow him through a world of apparently apocalyptic violence towards the advent of hope and peace.
In our desire to see mercy and compassion expressed for the needy, we must beware of falling into desiring the exact opposite for those who have not shown mercy and compassion.
You cannot serve two masters; for a slave will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.
Our readiness to welcome and celebrate Christ is integral to his becoming present and active among us.
Jesus does not burden us with crippling moral expectations, but humbly takes our burdens on himself and frees us to relax into the life of God.
As we gather with the saints of all times to worship the crucified victim, we are immersed in a culture that is so at odds with the values of this world that those who truly embrace it just appear odd for now, but strangely and alluringly familiar too.