Icons and the second commandment 3 October 1999 Nathan Nettleton Incarnation, Jesus, Law, Worship Exodus 0 Comments Icons, as representations of the incarnation rather than images of God, can serve to open us to God rather than becoming alternatives to God.
Inviting Trouble 7 December 1997 Nathan Nettleton Fear, Liberation, Purity, Salvation, Worship Luke, Malachi 0 Comments Being saved can be painful, but its goal, becoming a purified people who can worship rightly without fear, is the ultimate reward.
The Visit of the Magi 6 January 1991 Nathan Nettleton Identity, Jesus, Politics, Worship Matthew 0 Comments There is an illuminating contrast between the response of the pagan magi and the response of the biblical scholars, and between the kingship of Jesus and the kingship of Herod.