We can only keep the UNITY OF THE SPIRIT by experiencing the Oneness of Christ in all the parts of ourselves and each other.
We can only keep the UNITY OF THE SPIRIT by experiencing the Oneness of Christ in all the parts of ourselves and each other.
In order to recognise and cooperate with what God is doing, we often need to recognise and see past the assumptions that come with our own privilege.
When we approach everyone with meet with the conviction that the one thing we owe them is love, Christianity will again be experienced as good news.
Jesus meets us in our doubts and discombobulation and gives us instead a community of joyful hope.
Jesus’s perplexing teaching on marriage and singleness calls us into a new network of relationships in which all are fully valued.
The faithful who have gone before us are held securely in the powerful gracious memory of God, where their love and prayers for us live on until we are united with them in resurrection.
Being missioners needs to be patterned on Jesus if it is to have any integrity at all, and so it will be characterised by intentional engagement, genuine curiosity, deep listening, allowing others to be a blessing to us, and trusting ourselves to God.
All our dinners are an anticipation of the vision of a new world, where God’s very self dwells with mortals, all are welcomed, and all pain is taken away.
In God’s vision for humanity, every person and the role they play is valued and cared for. When society fails to live up to this, the Church is called to go against the flow and courageously champion and model it.
We live in amidst a culture of highly toxic, self-righteous, finger-pointing. Jesus calls us to a radical love which will stop the blame game but still speak transforming truth to those who oppress.
Instead of leaving unsaid the things that could cause conflict and division, we are called to listen intensely, slowly, intentionally, allowing all to speak their truth, so that we can find a way to move forward together in love and humility.
Social labels and divisions keep us parched and thirsting for intimacy and community, but Jesus seeks to break through them and give us the living water of love and acceptance.