Jesus offers himself to us to serve and bless us, and calls us to do the same in serving and blessing others.
Jesus offers himself to us to serve and bless us, and calls us to do the same in serving and blessing others.
Living water is for all of us that would like to try it. When we try it, our lives change and instead of being thirsty we become a spring. As a result, our neighbours can try it too.
The stairway to heaven is revealed in the darkest places and situations of our lives, in the difficult and dangerous places, in the situations where we least expected it.
God’s love is passionate, attentive, tender and ardent. Jesus the bridegroom comes and woos God’s people in every generation.
God created the earth and gave it to us, but mistreated, it rebels. Jesus, rising form the earth, redeems the earth, so that if can again be our true home.
Jesus calls us to give up the illusion that we own God’s blessing, invite others in, and be despised for doing so, giving up our privileges to build a world that all can share.
Like Mary, we are called to participate in God’s recreation and blessing of the world, and when we comprehend that call, we will, like Mary, explode with joy.
Jesus says to each one of us “I am the new wine. Feed on me”.
God longs to bless us in the land we have been given, but if we fail to live in faithfulness to the welcoming God, we will destroy ourselves and alienate ourselves from God’s blessing.
God will wound us if necessary to bring us into the full blessing intended for us.
If Abraham is our common father in faith, and like him we are justified and made whole by our faith in God’s mercy, then Christians, Jews and Muslims might find unity in sharing, humbly, in the wonder of that gift together.
The beatitudes proclaim God’s preferential love for the poor and challenge us to rethink our own dependence on financial security.
God calls the most ordinary people to be his followers and through following we become a blessing to others.
God’s blessing is upon those who fully enter the pain of life and who hope beyond it.