The three most valuable helps for those who would learn to pray are, 1) an experienced mentor or spiritual director, 2) the use of well prepared set prayers, and 3) perseverance.
The three most valuable helps for those who would learn to pray are, 1) an experienced mentor or spiritual director, 2) the use of well prepared set prayers, and 3) perseverance.
Our perception of things can be distorted by the context in which we see them. Jesus constantly challenges our misperceptions by challenging us to look at things through a different frame. It is only by constant reference to Jesus and to the ways that he looked at things that we learn to see ourselves and our surrounds more realistically.
People judge one another by their conformity to certain expectations (which vary from group to group), but God is only interested in our willingness to come into the loving intimacy he offers to all.
When we encounter the reality of God we are overcome with our own unworthiness, and we are confronted with a choice – to push God away and hide from our self-realization, or to accept God’s gracious invitation to mercy, transformation and mission.
Being saved can be painful, but its goal, becoming a purified people who can worship rightly without fear, is the ultimate reward.
It is in a developing relationship with Jesus Christ that our minds will be opened to understand the scriptures, just as happened for the disciples of Jesus.
With the coming of the Christ, our deepest longings and yearnings will be fulfilled.
Our doubts and questions are welcome to God so long as we are not using them to avoid Christ’s question to us – “Will you follow me?”
Christ’s wish is that all people will respond with thankful joy to his offer of holistic healing and growth – physical, emotional, social.
Moral integrity does not require operational naivety and Christian discipleship requires shrewdness.
Acceptance of God’s merciful presence and Christ’s ways will save us from selfishness and self-destructiveness.
Prayer is a learned discipline which begins with acknowledging God’s goodness and aligning ourselves with God’s purposes.
As small as our missions may seem, they have cosmic significance in Christ’s mission.
Fullness of life is often dependent on letting go of all the things we thought were going to give us fullness of life.
It is easy to lose appreciation for the benefits of faithfulness until we taste the alternative.
Suffering and prosperity are not punishments or rewards, but God’s grace may eventually be exhausted by those who squander it.
Jesus calls us to follow his lead in rejecting easy comfortable paths and choosing the tough road of costly active love.
Love for enemies is a response to God’s love for us, but in cases of huge hurt it is a community issue.
God’s blessing is upon those who fully enter the pain of life and who hope beyond it.
God’s church is to be a place of cleansing and healing and preparation for mission.