God has promised a time of resurrection and renewal, and has given us guidance for living faithfully in the meantime.
God has promised a time of resurrection and renewal, and has given us guidance for living faithfully in the meantime.
When you know yourself truly beloved by God in Christ, you are freed from fear and shame to live fully and generously and courageously.
Our unwitting abusive treatment of the Royal family is a symptom of our entanglement in systemic persecution.
Reading scripture with God’s people keeps us honest as we seek to interpret and live by God’s law written on our hearts.
There are plenty of reasons to despair of the future, but Jeremiah and Jesus show us a pathway of hope that overcomes despair.
Jesus offers us vision of the future which sharply differs from that offered by modern economics, and we need to intentionally nourish that vision.
God longs to welcome and bless us far more than we deserve, but if we don’t contribute to a culture of extravagant grace, we are unlikely to be able to receive it.
The Bible can be used to justify anything, but when it is approached humbly as a place of prayerful encounter with the risen Christ, it is alive with the breath of God and leads us to life.
In the face of a plurality of spiritualities, Jesus calls us to respectfully but urgently and persistently bear witness to the good news.
In Christ, God acts for the salvation of all, and in Christ, we are called to pray for all (even politicians!).
When we do not live lives of gratitude, which would actually expand our sense of the world in which we live, God still does not rescind his gifts.
Jesus acted out the parables that he was telling in his encounters with people, expressing the nature of God who seeks after us and rejoices in our being found and restored. God invites us to be people like that.
Destructive evil is all around us and within us, but God has not given up on us.
Real life is found in a trusting relationship with God, but the greatest obstacle to that is a culture of trusting money and we will only be able to avoid that if we fight it together.