We are a small group of people who are banding together to journey deeper into the life of God. In silent expectation we seek to yield ourselves to God’s design, allowing God’s Spirit to heal our brokenness, purge our delusions, restore our integrity, and lead us on into the fullness of life and love.
In a society that worships youth, beauty and wealth, we are rebelliously searching for treasure that cannot be eroded, lost or stolen – treasure of the Spirit. We are searching for spiritual pathways that neither hide from the horror of a world insanely bent on self-destruction, nor lead only into dead ends of fruitless activism.
We are drawing on the rich heritage of wisdom and insight developed in communities of prayerful people over the centuries – people who discovered joy and peace in simplicity, creativity and fidelity.
Our worship is shaped by structures that have stood the test of time. It weaves the wisdom of our forebears with the vitality of our own experience to create liturgies that have the power to awaken within us the memory of our ancient destiny, and lead us into communion with the one who restores within us the dignity and integrity with which we were created. We would be honoured to share in worship with you at any time you are able to visit us. Some details that you might want to know for your first visit can be found here.
Our church is governed by the members meeting together to discern the will of God.
We are a member church of both the Open Baptists and the Baptist Union of Victoria and we welcome communion with all Christian churches everywhere.
Are we right for you?
There’s only one way to find out! We would gladly welcome you to join with us any time in the Sunday Eucharist.
A word of warning though: our approach is quite different from what many people are used to and most of us felt quite uncomfortable during our first few experiences of such prayer. Those from church backgrounds found that the experience unsettled many of our previous ideas about prayer, worship and the activity of the Spirit. Those without church backgrounds found the experience very foreign to the hypnotic, high-tech entertainment culture all around us. You will need to come long enough to get past the initial discomfort before you will know if it’s right for you.
Another word of warning: Some of us found it even more uncomfortable after we thought we’d gotten used to it. As many had discovered before us, once the rhythm of prayer began to work its way into our hearts, our defences and illusions began falling apart. We saw ourselves and our surrounds through newly opened eyes and were often deeply disturbed by what we saw. For some it took great courage to go on.
No one has ever found a road to resurrection that does not first lead to the cross. But we have begun to taste the first fruits of the fullness of resurrection life and we have no intention of going back!