We are called to take sides in a conflict between the prophet of love and peace and the prophets of hatred and violence.
We are called to take sides in a conflict between the prophet of love and peace and the prophets of hatred and violence.
There is no such thing as a ritual-free space, and performed well or performed badly, rituals change things, change people’s lives.
Those who insist that faith must satisfy their every ideology may miss out, while those who simply yoke themselves to Jesus will find the freedom and peace for which they yearn.
If we are committed to the way of Jesus more even than we are to each other, we will end up doing what is truly best for each other and for all God’s creation.
If Abraham is our common father in faith, and like him we are justified and made whole by our faith in God’s mercy, then Christians, Jews and Muslims might find unity in sharing, humbly, in the wonder of that gift together.